{ Playing my game }
It's like a cat chasing THE mouse around. 9:06 PM • Friday, August 22, 2008
THE poor mouse has nothing to defend itself.
It tries hard to find holes to hide.
But alas, a cat gets in the way too often.
The mouse must be madly frightened.
Who's there to be its saviour?
When times are tough to handle
It just has to resign to its fate.
{ It's been a while... }
Oh my... Haven't blogged for ages... I'm just plain lazy... 12:48 AM • Thursday, August 14, 2008
Anyways, just an update: I've started school and everything is going fine I guess. Just a bit stressed because I'm taking another diploma concurrently as well. =s Tell me I'm crazy. LOL
I don't know why I'm updating my blog tonight. But well there has to be some reason which will make me do it right? Only God knows why I guess xD
I haven't penned down anything for a while now. No inspirations? I don't know. Guess I need to go through another emotional ride before I can write? Ahhh no, I hate to go through that. Argh.
Need to start writing down somthing...
I think I'll go to bed instead. No inspirations for now. HAHA.