{ Through the Fire }
I look in your eyes and I can see 11:01 PM • Monday, September 25, 2006
We’ve loved so dangerously
You’re not trusting your heart to anyone
You tell me you’re gonna play it smart
We’re through before we start
But I believe that we’ve only just begun
When it’s this good, there’s no saying no
I want you so, I’m ready to go
Through the fire
To the limit, to the wall
For a chance to be with you
I’d gladly risk it all
Through the fire
Through whatever, come what may
For a chance at loving you
I’d take it all the way
Right down to the wire
Even through the fire
I know you’re afraid of what you feel
You still need time to heal
And I can help if you’ll only let me try
You touch me and something in me knew
What I could have with you
Well I’m not ready to kiss that dream goodbye
When it’s this sweet, there’s no saying no
I need you so, I’m ready to go
Through the test of time
Through the fire, to the limit
Through the fire, through whatever
Through the fire, to the limit
Through the fire, through whatever
Chaka Khan's Through the Fire. Love this song the moment Hady sang it. Ah no doubt is he the second Singapore Idol. Tough luck Jon, I knew you weren't gonna win based on your performances (no offence) HAHA.
Feeling emo again after listening to this song. Oh wells. Can't help it but I reckon I'll live through the moment so. Cheers to King Phil! =D
{ A little bit of Friendship }
A friend is a person you can trust, 9:57 PM • Sunday, September 24, 2006
who won't turn away from you.
A friend will be there when you need someone,
and will come to you when they need help.
A friend will listen even when they don't understand
or agree with your feelings;
a friend will never try to change you,
but appreciates for who you are.
A friend doesn't expect too much or give too little;
a friend is someone you can share dreams, hopes and
feelings with.
A friend is a person you can think of and suddenly
A friend doesn't have to be told that they are special,
because they know you feel that way.
A friend will bend over backwards to help you pick up
the pieces when your world falls apart.
A friend is one of life's most beautiful gifts.
Friends are angels sent down to earth to make
good days and to help us find our way.
A friend is a one-in-a-million find,
the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow,
a treasure that gives you wealth untold.
Friendship is sharing thoughts and feelings
in a way that never felt comfortable before.
It is complete trust that is sweetened with a lot
of understanding and communication.
Friendship is a gift that continually gives happiness.
It is strong and supportive, and few things in all
the world will ever compare with the joy that comes
from its wonderful bond.
{ Love Is Love }
It's very strange, when suddenly, your heart will realize, 10:18 PM • Thursday, September 21, 2006
It has been taken by someone with words before your eyes.
It is so strange to fall in love while starring at a screen,
With someone who is miles away that you have never seen.
You read about it in the news and see it on TV,
About an online love affair as real as it could be.
A couple fell in love online and one day finally meet.
The love was real for both of them and now they are complete.
You think this couldn't happen, because it is all a game.
The people that you read about already were insane.
To meet a perfect stranger may be asking way too much.
The people who set up these dates have gone completely nuts.
You don't know who you're talking to, and can they be sincere?
And if you've never seen someone, how can they really care?
So then you play your silly games, while trying to have fun,
And if someone seems serious you click your mouse and run.
Nobody can convince you that relationships can brew.
It's just a game that people play, because it's something new.
You talk to people everywhere as if the world is right.
Then, when your tired of talking, you just click them off at night.
But, one day you will meet someone, as strange as it may seem,
And they will make you feel as tho you're living in a dream.
You will feel emotions until now were undisturbed,
And as they type upon your screen you'll hang on every word.
You'll not understand it, how this person makes you feel,
But emotions that you're feeling suddenly are real.
You will feel emotions and you'll think that it's insane.
How could words upon a screen cause happiness and pain?
When you realize the words are from a person's heart,
Then you understand, within your life they have a part.
Relationships online is something you think you're above,
But deep within your heart you know you're falling deep in love.
Love is love, no matter what the world will try to say.
What difference does it matter how the love has come your way?
True love is so precious and it is so rare to find.
How can you doubt some people find true love when they're online?
It may be hard to understand how you can love someone,
When all you wanted was to go online to have some fun.
You may think relationships online may not be smart,
But I have met some people that I love with all my heart!
{ My Favourite Tennis Players }
8:26 PM • Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Awww look at them. Aren't they just adorable? Perfect match made in heaven I would say. Was in the US Open Tennis mood and I practically stayed up every night to watch the matches. Utterly sad when Andy lost the trophy to Roger, but he managed to fight through till the finals even though he had just receovered from an injury, so guess it was something worth celebrating too. Maria played superb tennis, she looks set to reclaim her World No. 1 title again. Love her to bits. There's one thing I gotta admit though: She shrieks a lot. Hmm maybe that's why it affected her opponents? Hah. Nonetheless, skills matter a lot xD so I don't really care about it hoho.
Hmm let's see. I'm a big fan of tennis, but I don't know how to play tennis. Haha. I wanna learn tennis but it's gonna burn my pocket since my parents are not willing to sponsor me. I'm paying everything by myself now, so much for saving up till I ORD. Damn. I don't think I can save enough to go overseas. Prolly just one year of pocket money that's all. =/
Ah below are more tennis players which I adore.

The three above are (from most top to bottom) Gaston Gaudio, Marat Safin and Elena Dementieva. They have won tournaments before and made impact in the tennis arena. Really hope to see them doing that again (like Andy Roddick). And now time for me to say goodbye, might come back later on to just post a song =)
{ Someone }
What if you were a someone 9:17 PM • Monday, September 18, 2006
who needed a hug today
and what if you were a someone
who'd gone and lost their way?
What if you were a someone
in need of a friendly face
and what if you were a someone
crumpled and out of place?
What if you were a someone
on a rocky, uphill climb
and what if you were a someone
with no one to share your time?
What if you were a someone
desperate for a kind word
and what if you were a someone
speaking out, but never heard?
What if you were a someone
who's confidence had been shattered
and what if you were a someone
longing to know you mattered.
What if you were a someone
feeling ugly, worthless and small
and what if you were a someone
with no where to turn at all?
What if you were a someone
crying tears that wouldn't stop
and what if you were a someone
giving up and ready to drop?
What if you were a someone
full of sorrow, pain and despair
and what if you were a someone
yearning for someone to care?
What if you're not that someone?
What if life's going your way?
Would you give yourself to someone else,
be the someone you'll need some day?
{ Changing Leaves }
The changing leaves of autumn colored brightly red and gold, 11:17 PM • Sunday, September 17, 2006
Also bring a warning of the coming winter cold.
As the wind is changing from the milder summer breeze,
You can feel the difference as it echoes through the trees.
As I shuffle down the path leading through the park,
As the days grow shorter now and soon it will be dark.
I realize that life is like the seasons we live through,
Life is like the changing seasons always changing too.
Basking in the warmth of life in the summer sun,
Never giving thought to when these summer days are done.
But before we realize the cold wind starts to blow,
And our basking summer sun turns colder with the snow.
Only then we realize that life has changed so fast,
Only then we realize that nothing ever lasts.
Life goes through the seasons as the years accumulate,
Many times we long for summer when it is too late.
Life is meant for living and enjoying each new day,
Life is meant for loving those you meet along the way.
Never spend your summer years just basking in the sun,
Unless each minute that you spend is with a special one.
People need each other to enjoy the trip through life,
A very special partner or a husband or a wife.
Alone you can enjoy the beauty that is everywhere,
But there is a special meaning when with someone you can share.
Life is like a changing tree with brightly colored leaves,
Your family and your friends and you can be compared to these.
In autumn when the leaves start changing colors, they will fall,
One by one until the branches have released them all.
If I be like a changing leaf among one of life's trees,
And all my friends and family were also such as these.
And autumn was not just for me as counted from my birth,
But autumn season spoken here was for the entire earth.
Then are we in the autumn season foretold from the past?
Could the colored leaves now falling be the very last?
Are the signs and wonders now upon us really true?
Or will there be another spring when all things will be new?
I as a single leaf will someday have my time to leave,
As those who went before me leaving me to sometime grieve.
But someday in that final autumn at the final call,
Should I still be clinging there when all the leaves will fall.
I only want to realize that in this autumn season,
I had a purpose in this would and my life had a reason.
To live and love and enjoy life for all that it is worth,
But only if the lives I've touched had meaning and a purpose.
No one knows whose life they touch or who they will embrace,
Just by actions that they do or being face to face.
But your life will be noticed as the brightly colored trees,
As either brilliant beauty or a pile of dried up leaves.
{ Thoughts... }
Follow your destiny - Wherever it leads you 9:03 PM • Thursday, September 07, 2006
There comes a time in your life when you realize that if you stand still, you will remain at this point forever. You realize that if you fall and stay down, life will pass you by.
Life's circumstances are not always what you might wish them to be. The pattern of life does not necessarily go as you plan. Beyond any understanding, you may at times be led in different directions that you never imagined, dreamed, or designed. Yet if you had never put any effort into choosing a path, or tried to carry out your dream, then perharps you would have no direction at all.
Rather than wondering about or questioning the direction your life has taken, accept the fact that there is a path before you now. Shake off the "why's" and "what if's", and rid yourself of confusion. Whatever was - is in the past. Whatever is - is what's important. The past is a brief reflection. The future is yet to be realized. Today is here.
Walk your path one step at a time - with courage, faith and determination. Keep your head up, and cast your dreams to the stars. Soon your steps will become firm, and your footing will be solid again. A path that you never imagined will become the most comfortable direction you could have ever hoped to follow.
Keep your belief in yourself and walk into your new journey. You will find it magnificent, spectacular, and beyond your wildest imaginations.
{ Call Me When You're Sober }
Here I am again, feeling the same feelings again. 12:51 AM • Sunday, September 03, 2006
It's easy to say 'You have the choice to be happy'
I need to let it all out. I need to scold someone, hit someone, kill someone.
I want to cry out loud 'YOU GUYS SUCK'
I'm not going for the auditions anymore.
I don't wanna go there alone again.
I need someone to really understand me.
I smile and laugh everyday.
Does it help me feel better?
No, I'm only deceiving myself
Why am I trying so hard to stay happy everyday?
I feel I have nothing.
I'm gonna go do something stupid now.